如罗马诗人维吉尔(70 BC-19 BC)在描写人们坠入地狱冥河阿克隆河时(Acheron),他把熙熙攘攘的亡灵跳进水里,比作秋天里噼里啪啦的掉下来的落叶:
Quam multa in silvis antumni frigore primo
Lapsa cadunt folia, aut ad terram gurgite ab alto
[As numerous as in the forest at the first chill of autumn,
the leaves fall, let loose, or on the land from the deep waves.]
[1] Virgil, Aeneid, Ahl, F. trans. Oxford University Press. Book XI, line 309-310,
e dietro le venia si lunga tratta
di gente, ch’i’ non averei creduto
che morte tanta n’avesse disfatta.
[And after it there came so long a train of people,
that I would not have believed death had undone so many.]
[2] Dante, Inferno, Durling R. M. trans. Oxford University Press. Canto 3, 56-57
(这句挖苦的话还在两千年后,被20世纪的大诗人T. S. 艾略特引用,写到了他的长诗《荒原》里。)
[So they took their stand in the flowery mead of Scamander, numberless, as are the leaves and the flowers in their season.]
[3] Homer, The Iliad, Murray A. T. trans. Harvard University Press (1978). II, 467-468
[for most like to the leaves or the sands are they, as they march over the plain to fight against the city.]
[4] Homer, The Iliad, Murray A. T. trans. Harvard University Press (1978). II, 800-801
“His legions, angel forms, who lay entranced,
Thick as autumnal leaves that straw the brooks
[5] John Milton, Paradise Lost, Oxford University Press. Book I, line 301-303.
Come d’autunno si levan le foglie
l’una appresso de l’altra, fin che’l ramo
vede a la terra tutte le sue spoglie
[As in autumn the leaves remove themselves one after the other,
until the branch sees all its raiment on the ground]
[6] Dante, Inferno, Durling R. M. trans. Oxford University Press. Canto 3, 112-114
When yellow leaves, or none, or few do hang
Upon those boughs which shake against the cold,
Bare ruined choirs where late the sweet birds sang
Death’s second self that seals up all in rest.